16th & 17th October 2017

Chelsea Football Club, Fulham Road, London, SW6 1HS


Day One Programme: Monday 16th October 2017

Basic science and laboratory research

1230 -1320: Registration followed by Lunch

1320-1330: Welcome, Introduction to SIGNEC and plan for the afternoon

Prof. Minesh Khashu
Consultant in Neonatal Medicine, Poole Hospital NHS FT

Session Chairs: Prof. Gail Besner/ Prof. Boris Kramer

1330-1405: Effects of fetal exposure to inflammation on the development of the GI tract and its associated micro biome.

Steven J McElroy MD
Associate Professor
Division of Neonatology
Stead Family Department of Pediatrics
University of Iowa

1405-1440: Novel Signaling Pathways involved in NEC

Misty Good, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Newborn Medicine
St. Louis Children’s Hospital

1440-1515: NEC and sepsis – more than a clinical differential diagnosis.

Boris W. Kramer MD, PhD
Professor of Experimental Perinatology
Maastricht University Medical Center
Director of Pediatric Research

1515-1545: Tea/Coffee break

1545-1620: Biobanking for NEC: Challenges & Opportunities.

Misty Good, MD

1620-1655: Update on Stem Cell and Probiotic Therapy for NEC

Gail E. Besner, M.D.
H. William Clatworthy Professor of Pediatric Surgery
Chief, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Principal Investigator, Center for Perinatal Research
Nationwide Children’s Hospital

1655-1730: SIGIRR in NEC.

Venkatesh Sampath MD, MRCPCh
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Director, Donald Thibeault Lung and Immunology Lab
Children’s Mercy Kansas City

1730- 1735: Closing remarks

Minesh Khashu

1735-1835: Poster session


1900: Reception/Dinner

Day Two Programme: Tuesday 17th October 2017

NEC: Clinical research and improvements in practice

0900 -0930: Coffee & Registration

0930-0945: Welcome and plan for the day

Minesh Khashu
Consultant in Neonatal Medicine, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Session Chair: Prof. Minesh Khashu/ Caroline Lee-Davey

0945-1020: Turning Loss into Light: The Necrotizing Enterocolitis Society’s commitment to advocacy, prevention and diverse collaboration.

Jennifer Canvasser, MSW
NEC Society | Founder & Executive Director

1020-1035: Bliss report on Neonatal Transport

Caroline Lee-Davey
Chief Executive, Bliss

1035- 1050: Transfers of babies with NEC

Dr. Andrew Leslie
Nurse Consultant
CenTre Neonatal Transport

1050-1120: Panel discussion: How can we improve the transfer of neonates with NEC and the experience of parents?

Eleri Adams (Moderator)
Clinical Director, Children’s Critical Care & Neonatology, Oxford University Hospitals
Clinical Lead, SONeT transport service

Andrew Leslie, Nurse Consultant
Caroline Lee-Davey, Chief Executive, Bliss
Joanne Ferguson, Parent Advocate, Former PPE rep National Neonatal CRG

1120-1150: Tea/Coffee break

1150-1225: Genetic predisposition to NEC: Myth or Truth?

Venkatesh Sampath MD, MRCPCh
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Director, Donald Thibeault Lung and Immunology Lab
Children’s Mercy Kansas City

1225-1300: Overview of the nationwide surveys for neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis in Japan

Prof. Tomoaki Taguchi, MD, PhD, FACS
Professor and Chairman
Department of Pediatric Surgery
Director, Children’s Medical Centre
Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan
Congress Chairman, Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons 2016

1300-1400: Lunch

Session Chair: Prof. Kate Costeloe
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry

1400-1435: MAGPIE – Mechanisms affecting the gut of preterm infants in enteral feeding trials: a clinician’s approach to the use of ‘omic’ technologies in understanding NEC.

Dr Nicholas D Embleton BSc MBBS MD FRCPCH
Consultant Neonatal Paediatrician, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Honorary Reader in Neonatal Medicine, Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

1435-1510: Development of a Tissue engineered intestine

Prof. Prof. Gail E. Besner

1510-1540: Tea/Coffee break

1540-1615: New insights into the epidemiology of NEC: role of anemia and cytomegalovirus

Ravi Mangal Patel, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Neonatology
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA

1615-1650: Management and outcomes of surgical NEC: A U.K. wide cohort study

Amit Gupta MD, FRCPCH, PGCertMEd
Consultant Neonatologist,
Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT
Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Oxford
Associate Dean- Oxford Deanery

1650-1725: Next steps in NEC clinical trials

Professor of Neonatal Medicine
Imperial College London
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
President, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

1725-1745: The national Maternal & Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative: supporting improvements in neonatal outcomes

Michele Upton
Patient Safety Lead, Maternity & Newborn NHS Improvement

1745-1800: Summary, next steps and close

Minesh Khashu


Conference feedback

Excellent couple of days. GREAT to get so many diverse experts together.

Please continue to organise. These days are so valuable.

Great selection of speakers and exceptionally organised.

Fantastic day 1, hearing all the research around the world

Keep up the good work, these conferences are amazing (more students should attend).

Excellent event, will definitely come again next year! Please advertise more to Neonatal Nurses.

Fantastic conference, really enjoyed it and very inspiring.

Very enjoyable and interesting 2 days. I leave feeling more knowledgeable and updated.